Had din dins at Strip House (an amazing steak house) and THIS GUY was sitting next to us. Like right next to us, its long rows of tables so everyone sat close.

He sat at a table with four other people, an agent who was the loudest and 3 other people who took themselves very seriously. The toast was the best part. It was like hearing people outloud stroke their own egos.
He looked like a creepy creepster, I wouldn't have noticed who he was EXCEPT his agent name dropped every five seconds and he had his book, HIS BOOK, was sitting out on the table facing outward so everyone who would walk by could see it.

So it was a fun, funny night.
Also, I noticed at work, when i leave at 6pm (even though i get there at 8:30) people seriously , SERIOUSLY say to me, "oh having a half day?" I am salary + commission but it's so competitive I swear people would sleep over if they could to prove they stay the longest.
It leaves me zero time to do anything after work at 7 except gym-then sleep.
This shit is making me tired just thinking about it.
Night Night
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