Saturday, June 9, 2012

Culinary Festival

Instead of sulking or being upset about Friday's drama, i chose to ignore it and to be happy. Last night as i tossed and turned and switched from crying to being angry to being upset i realized something;

I am totally, 100% on my own.

I can choose if I want to talk to people and if i don't. I am changing my number to keep certain people away. I am letting go of a lot of people, people who were connected to him and people I know that I no longer have the energy to fain interest in. With most people its all about location location location. I can see already we aren't keeping in touch or calling or texting so really, lets stop pretending. I'm lucky I have such a good core of girlfriends from high school and college, I know I wont find anyone else who get me like they do.

It's lonely at time's here but i dont mind it. Today I walked to Broadway where they had a Culinary Festival and ate my feelings. My feelings i suppose were fried Oreo's and BBQ pulled Pork sandwich.

In Soho there was a street vender selling amazing bracelet of some of my favorite paintings by John William Waterhouse. I got so freaking excited i had to get it, here are original and my bracelet.

Also bought a rosary im going to wear as a necklace like Madonna in the 80's from a nun in Little Italy. So now i suppose i should gym it up since i ate my feelings like a teenage girl and study some of my work for Monday. toodle loo

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