Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Love For Hilary and New Disney Princesses

I've always liked Hillary Clinton, every since I was in middle school and started paying attention to things other then Caprisun and ponies. She has taken some very heavy hits in the public sphere, more then anyone deserves and I do think at one time, she and her husband loved each other. Now... who knows and really who cares. The women is smart, well spoken and really doesn't give a crap if people think she's ugly or pretty.

  •            “You may not agree with a woman, but to criticize her appearance — as opposed to her ideas or actions — isn’t doing anyone any favors, least of all you. Insulting a woman’s looks when they have nothing to do with the issue at hand implies a lack of comprehension on your part, an inability to engage in high-level thinking. You may think she’s ugly, but everyone else thinks you’re an idiot.”

I remember when her husband was indited, how well she handled it. I was still young but i remember looking at her and thinking, 'wow.'   How many jokes were directed at her, how i remember men blamed her, her husband cheated on her because she wasn't pretty enough, she was too cold.  Then she stepped away from his shadow and made a name for herself.

I am a socialist (one day Canada I will be living in day), I know she gets flack for being one but that's such a small percentage of what she does. Americans are so short cited when someone mentions the word 'socialist.'  In college I had a professor who worked for the United Nations as a Representative for the US and he said something that I'm sure I'm misquoting a little. One of the leaders of China, I think it was Mao Zedong (when Nixon visited China)  He said,  "the United States is such a young country and you are so afraid of economic change, all you know is capitalism and it will fail." 

Anywho. I love these pictures below. 

Also, Huffington Post, which is great at reporting news that happened 4 days ago, had an artist featured that made real princess role models. I must admit, I am SUPER guilty of this with Felicity, I buy her more 'my little pony' crap then anyone else. It's a good reminder of what girls should admire but don't.   

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