Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Post I like to Call, Text from the EX

When an ex goes to a babies birthday party of a ONE YEAR OLD because he's friends with my friends husband, you expect to keep things civil. Not drag your name through the mud, to friends. Well obviously only great things can come from it right? This was a month ago (middle of May) and I'm still graced by texts like this every now and then (no response from me). Here are a few recent gems: 

text from my ex:
"They all asked what I could possibly saw in you, but I can't, I have no idea. They all agreed they know who you are. Even your best friends husband called you a slut"

It gives less then a millisecond of hurt but it does remind me how much it sucks to forever change friendships over an idiot like him. 

I always save these texts as well. Since he has made me pay him money each month to see Merlin (never got to see Merlin) or 'pay him back in rent' and he threatens to sue. He is that classy. I can see why he's done so well in life.

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