Wednesday, November 21, 2012

wisdom teeth

So i haven't had the energy to do a anything lately, except get out of bed and eat soft foods. I had my wisdom teeth pulled out but it didn't really go as according to plan. I bleed way to much, so much so the doc abandoned ship on my last tooth halfway through and will have to take out a half tooth in 5 weeks. It hurts so bad, to the bone of the jaw. The BONE. It hurt more then my bloody elbow when i had surgery to put a plate in it. Its a never ending pain, plus my bottom lip and chin are numb/paralyzed so i look like a monster when i talk. The Doctor kept asking about my health etc. He said being Anemic (my mother is) has nothing to do with why i bled out so much. So now i have to go get blood work done to see if I have anything wrong with platelets or clotting etc. SO exciting. He has called me or Cory almost everyday to check up one me, he's changed my pain , medicine twice because nothing seems to help. I do have my flaws, one of them being vain. Not vain as in I think I'm prettier than anyone but vain that I have to make myself look half way decent before I leave the house, this includes leaving the doctor's office after surgery, the proof? Cory Took a video:

Here are some other amazing modeling shots

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