Thursday, November 29, 2012

Work And Home

Cory and I have been beyond busy at work, he just closed at $ 7,200 sale and I got a tiny promotion (kinda) that comes with staying later and coming in earlier calling on older accounts and getting credit cards that are expired or didn't go through and getting Ten bucks an account, I only got it because my boss said I've stepped up and increased my numbers so its nice.

So, we're both so exhausted by the time we go to gym and eat dinner all we wanna do is sleep. So before night night I share this photo of Cory and our "spirit animals" that Cory bought us. No pets allowed in our apartments so they will do as stand in's.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Black Friday

So i have so many videos/pics from Thanksgiving I'll have to sort through them tonight. In the Meantime, on Black Friday, Cory and I decided to skip the shopping and just got to Central Park Zoo. We got there at 10:20am right when they opened. By the time we left at 1pm, the Zoo was FULL and there was a huge line of people waiting to get in. It was empty till about noon. We had wanted to go for such a long time, its just so touristy we made it a deal to go on Black Friday, as soon as they opened, on the slowest day of the year. Success! The Central Park Zoo itself is small. It has some great exhibits (red panda!) but its no Miami Metro Zoo with bike rentals! The ticket of 17 dollars also includes admission to a 15 minute 4-D movie (think snow in theater, wind blowing, things grabbing at your legs) and admission to the equally small petting zoo. Where Lamas attack. Polar Bear!
I love the city Backdrop against the Zoo
The Red Panda, the best animal at the Zoo
My Sheep that i made Cory wait around for while I petted and fed him for 20 minutes. He loved me
My one complaint at the Zoo are as always, Children. The only thing worse then Children are the grown up versions of them, their parents. Let me clarify and say i don't hate all children, i hate the NYC overly protected, one-up-you always parents and their bratty children. Everything is gluten free and organic. If anyone pulls out Goldfish for their kids to snack on, let me just say, your fucked. No one will let their kids talk to you. You feed your kids processed snacks? ugggggg. I bet you also didn't puree their baby food too. I'm you bought them JARS of baby food. Oh it took your kids a month to be potty trained? Took mine like, a day. But our toilet is also gold plated from Saks so ya know, it's just better. No toxins. So if these are the parents you can only imagine the kids and how just FANTASTIC they are to be around. They are super polite and don't push you out of the way at all when your looking at animals because clearly mommy and daddy told them how special they are. Don't try and correct their kids either way they are rude to you or tell the mothers their faces are so tight you could roll quarters off them, cause well, it just wont go over well. But THEY WILL talk on their cells phone in the 4-D movie theater (parents) and not give a crap when everyone gives them evil stares. okay rant over.

 Look, Sunbathing Seals

The Wildest Creature of them All, a smiling Avalon (ignore puffy, wisdom teeth face)
Now the Best Part of All, the Videos. Here's one of a crazy Eyed Lama I Survived after Hand feeding the Deadly Lamas:


The Smiling Red Panda

So, will update thanksgiving videos and such but i leave you with this Gem:

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Macy's Christmas Windows's

The night before Thanksgiving, Cory and I walked to Macy's to see the window display and decorations. It was the calm before the storm, since on Black Friday we couldn't walk past it so many people were going in and pouring out.

Often times I look at photos of myself and feel like I have a Barbie molded hand that can only hold Starbucks. Anyways, we also wrote letters to Santa, I faced Cory's out since mostly I asked for ponies and unicorns. The usual.

Thanksgiving photos/ videos to come later today (most likely tomorrow).

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Woke up early for Macy's parade, thanks to Cory for ordering/cooking side dishes and "setting the coffee table."

More photos to come!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


This is a video of Cory carrying our bed through Chinatown when we moved.

My parents through a going away party before i moved to NYC with a Bounce House i call this, Bounce House Monster i mean Cory in Bounce House

wisdom teeth

So i haven't had the energy to do a anything lately, except get out of bed and eat soft foods. I had my wisdom teeth pulled out but it didn't really go as according to plan. I bleed way to much, so much so the doc abandoned ship on my last tooth halfway through and will have to take out a half tooth in 5 weeks. It hurts so bad, to the bone of the jaw. The BONE. It hurt more then my bloody elbow when i had surgery to put a plate in it. Its a never ending pain, plus my bottom lip and chin are numb/paralyzed so i look like a monster when i talk. The Doctor kept asking about my health etc. He said being Anemic (my mother is) has nothing to do with why i bled out so much. So now i have to go get blood work done to see if I have anything wrong with platelets or clotting etc. SO exciting. He has called me or Cory almost everyday to check up one me, he's changed my pain , medicine twice because nothing seems to help. I do have my flaws, one of them being vain. Not vain as in I think I'm prettier than anyone but vain that I have to make myself look half way decent before I leave the house, this includes leaving the doctor's office after surgery, the proof? Cory Took a video:

Here are some other amazing modeling shots

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Very First Snow!

Very rarely does it ever snow in NYC before Thanksgiving. After the insane hurricane it was only a matter of time before it got cold, I just thought I'd have more time!

Everyone at work kept giving me updates on the snow, they knew I'd never seen it before. Finally around 2:15 pm it started to snow and I mean really snow. Cory took the train from his job to mine so we could take our first walk in the snow together. It was very romantic and sweet.