Sunday, October 21, 2012


It's fall now in NYC, which means i soon have to buy pants or longer dresses (as i do not like pants). Its been a long week, Wednesday I saw Yukon Blond who are from British Columbia and The Jezebels (amazing show). Yukon Blonde opened for the Jezebels at Webster hall and it was pretty empty, Hey Rosetta played too but i didnt bother to take a photo.
It's also been a horrible week after the show Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were awful. As one of my 'friends' showed Eric my Facebook where it had photos of me and Cory (and our friend Jared) from our road trip to the wedding last weekend. No lie, he must have called my cell phone 67 times and my work phone number over a hundred times. It is always embarrassing to explain to your boss why you need a phone number blocked. It also takes something out of you to be called a C*nt, Bitch, Slut, Whore etc ALLLLLL Day. I mostly cried in the bathroom and cried when I came home. This continued into Friday and of course he used Merlin, my dog as collateral. I'll never see the dog, i abandoned him (merlin), I'm the worst dog owner in the world. Of course Merlin is the only reason i keep talking to Eric, i so wish someone else would take him. I hate, hate having to speak to him for the dog, he uses the dog to tell me what he thinks of me etc. He did say the only way i could see the dog is if i slept with him again. So there's that. There's disgusting that. I wont tell you what Cory reacted to that. So knowing how depressed i am, Cory cheered me up as best he could. We went out for ice cream, desert and long walks when i was sad at the idea of not seeing Merlin when I come home Wednesday. AND he got a haircut no questions asked at a REAL hair salon, this was big people(he likes 'homemade haircuts' that may or may not make him look insane). See results below.
Also, on Yelp i searched, glitter, ponies, ice cream, unicorns, magic and it had one result, Big Gay Ice Cream Shop. So we went and there was a magical Unicorn there and Pumpkin Ice cream and it was both gay and magical.
and one from last weekend i loved

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