Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to the real world

Coming back from vacation sucks. I mean, scrambled eggs don't magically appear on the table (thanks mom) and whaddya mean Starbucks doesn't drop itself off when I wake up (thanks dad).

I got in at 8:30am today and left at 7:30pm. Dealt with issues that arose when I left and people's condescending help. Thanks bunches you assholes.

In other news I will be working on all my photos but I (of course) forgot my laptop. Probably a good thing, it poured leaving the gym and I didn't have an umbrella (crappy Rihanna joke here). There's nothing like hot, humid, ran to end a crappy Tuesday. A Terrible Tuesday.

I miss my friends like crazy on days like this. I miss playing with Fifi and talking with my sis. Seeing Becca, Cat, Patti and Victoria. Seeing Merlin who I miss so much it hurts. My puppy feels so far away.

On days like this I have to convince myself I made the right choice. Remind myself there isn't anything left for me career wise (and relationship wise) in Florida .That a rough day doesn't mean throwing in the towel. I just have to start again to

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