Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hacking Dreams, One Student At a Time

I remember years ago, working at Pharmerica in college I told some older guy, a coworker I wanted to move to NYC. He was from Brooklyn, a tough old Italian that liked to refer to anyone and mostly everyone as a sonofabitch. This was back in Fl, still in college where it seemed more like an idea then anything. But people love to crush dreams.

He reminded me and stated the obvious, it was so expensive , I'd already have to have a job or a network of friends, something. I of course, wasn't enough to make it. Since he was from the city, I took it as something holy. He had to be right so I never said it again. I just agreed.

I think a lot of people do this under the guise of "saying it's for your own good." When really it's because they can't achieve what they want. What they really seek out in life. It's their way of also holding you back and keeping you at their level.

When I told people about the job I got up here I could see those who were excited for me, they knew I wanted out of Florida and they were excited. Some never congratulated me, Felipe. Not that I'm bitter.

Either way: I'm here, so what you think of me now you sonofabitch.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to the real world

Coming back from vacation sucks. I mean, scrambled eggs don't magically appear on the table (thanks mom) and whaddya mean Starbucks doesn't drop itself off when I wake up (thanks dad).

I got in at 8:30am today and left at 7:30pm. Dealt with issues that arose when I left and people's condescending help. Thanks bunches you assholes.

In other news I will be working on all my photos but I (of course) forgot my laptop. Probably a good thing, it poured leaving the gym and I didn't have an umbrella (crappy Rihanna joke here). There's nothing like hot, humid, ran to end a crappy Tuesday. A Terrible Tuesday.

I miss my friends like crazy on days like this. I miss playing with Fifi and talking with my sis. Seeing Becca, Cat, Patti and Victoria. Seeing Merlin who I miss so much it hurts. My puppy feels so far away.

On days like this I have to convince myself I made the right choice. Remind myself there isn't anything left for me career wise (and relationship wise) in Florida .That a rough day doesn't mean throwing in the towel. I just have to start again to

Monday, September 3, 2012

Endocrinologist or Endo Tic

Unpacking/washing and catching up on a zillion work emails but I wanted to show my gratitude to my parents for a great vacation. Toronto is one of my favorite cities and I love going there with my parents and seeing my uncle mike. More to come but here are some of the best.