Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sports; A Saving Grace

When i was younger, I had to play sports. It wasn't an option and although i wasn't sure at first, I'm now 100% sure my dad enrolling me in softball (and both my parents encouraging sports and coming from a Sporty Family) is the only reason I am where I am today.

I am highly competitive and lazy. A weird combination. I didn't try as hard as I could of in SOME subjects in school but I always tried 120% when it came to my sports. It kept me IN school. Couldn't compete unless you showed up to all your classes. It kept me from having stupid boyfriends in high school and spending my afternoons drinking and or doing drugs (which doesn't sound awful..... i kid i kid). In fact i think most people thought i was a leszzy now that i really think about it. ....

So i do find myself surprised to how far sports have gotten me. To motivate myself,  achieve personal discipline and really have faith i can achieve a goal i set for myself. I work with some of the smartest, Ivy league schooled individuals and I often think, 'how the hell did i get here?' I'm going to assume it is related to sports cause i don't know what the hell else it can be.

ANYWHO. The point of this post was just to upload some old pictures someone sent me of myself when i first started playing and it turned into a 'i heart sports and here i am type post.'

I am also including pics of me and my perfect, angel niece. Who doesn't love angels?

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