Thursday, July 26, 2012


Last night I saw Wilco. They were amazing!

In other news i've been terribly sick. I've had a cough that won't go away and so I've been put on an inhaler. My blood pressure is 'on the high side' so my doctor gave me some herbal remedy and I have to get blood work done. He said my weight/height/heart rate etc is fine but perhaps the stress of moving here, the 11 hour work days and stress of commission is getting to me. NO SHIT. He suggested Yoga and I said Yoga just makes me angry. So yeah, hippy medicine and blood work. More stuff to do. I've gone to a zillion doctors visits since moving here. Most likely because I haven't been in ages.

Also i have too much ear wax I'm told.Hmf. My inhaler cost me 50 bucks, not that I'm bitter about it.....

I also got new glasses for 100 bucks. My insurance paid 100 bucks so it wasn't terrible but damn, its expensive to be healthy in this city.

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