Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Trapeze Class !!!!!!!

(just skip ahead and see all the photos first)
At Zocdoc we always do team events, today we did Trapeze Class at Chelsea Pier. A terrifying, wonderfully scary trapeze class.

I've never been a fan of jumping into a small open net. Especially after climbing a skinny 4 story tall ladder, to jump off a two foot wide plywood board with ropes tied around me by two hippies telling me to 'feel the moment.'

Luckily the Sun was setting (we were there from 6pm until 8pm) and we all took photos of one another waiting for our turn. Sean, our boss, also spent 90 bucks for us to each get our own photos taken by the PROFESSIONAL photographer that was there. Those are the best photos! The photographer put all of our photos on a flash drive, so we all took turns saving them (if we took our laptops with us) to our computer at Houston Hall during dinner. 

The views are amazing from up there, very distracting from what you are about to do with your body. I was terribly scared to put my feet on the edge of the board while someone held my safety belt back until they said 'GO!'  but you look up and see the city and i help my breath and jumped. There is always a trainer at the bottom telling you what to do, to go, pull your feet over for a flip, let go (the hardest part).  You're in such a panic you cant hear the trainer (I couldn't) because your body is tensing up for your death so you swing your legs around to try and bring them up over the bar without falling to your death. It was fun........? The more we did it the better we all got. Also the bigger the callouses on our hands got. Everyone on my team has soft, white hands or we did before tonight.  My back is sore and my arms only 3 hours later. 

Photo Below, bye bye bar, hello net


At Houston Hall with beers to celebrate survival, I'm hiding in the back whimpering, icing my elbow with my beer. 

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