Friday, December 21, 2012

Zocfloc Holiday Party

              For our Holiday Party this year our company rented out Cipriani   ( ) on Wall Street. It was extremely beautiful and highly anticipated event. All week at my job people talked about what they were going to wear, in the end it didn't matter, because no one remembers anyone's dress but their own.

            The food was amazing, open bar and there was a live karaoke band. Live band, which is amazing because mostly Karaoke is song along with on a small crappy machine. With a band its so much more fun.

Cipriani's On Wall Street

Cipriani's On Wall Street

Cipriani's On Wall Street

Cipriani's On Wall Street

Me and Britney


My "Sisterwife"

Angela, Myself And Regina 

Me and Britney 

Zocdoc Logos Projected on the Wall!

Girls I work with and Love!

We Always Have Photo Booths at Our Parties

Chayla, Nichole and Angela

Cipriani's On Wall Street

Monday, December 17, 2012

Ice Skating in Bryant Park

Santacon and Christmas Eating

Santacon is where thousands of people (mostly 20 something's) reek havoc in the city dressed as Santa. It's not pretty, we stayed for about two hours (it's a 14 hour affair).

Friday, December 14, 2012

Presented with(out) Comment

I added this because this is what keeps me up at night when i have nightmares (Cory will tell you this is true). There are so many bad people and thoughts, it scares me for Felicity and anyone I love.

Please god, let me move to Canada where people aren't so stupid.

Christmas Tree